Alekhine: My Best Games in Chess

Alekhine: My Best Games in Chess

The Genius of Alekhine   In chess literature, there have only been a very few chess books that have immediately – and permanently – established themselves as classics. Laskers Manual of Chess by Emanuel Lasker, Masters of the Chessboard by Richard Réti and Dvoretskys Endgame Manual by Mark Dvoretsky are three that come to mind. There are of course others, among them My Best Games of Chess, 1908-1937 by the fourth world chess champion, Alexander Alekhine. The original English edition, published three-qu

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A Fresh Look at Chess: 40 Instructive games, played and annotated by players like you

A Fresh Look at Chess: 40 Instructive games, played and annotated by players like you

For the last ten years Grandmaster Lev Alburt has been writing a very special monthly column for the U.S. Chess Federation's magazine, Chess Life. Nontitled readers are asked to contribute their most instructive games, with generous annotations. From dozens of entries, Lev chooses for his column one he considers to be of greatest value for CL's readers, adding his own comments and advice. For this book, Lev has selected forty of his best columns, arranged by theme, and has added some new material, all t

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A History of Chess: From Chaturanga to the Present Day

A History of Chess: From Chaturanga to the Present Day

Chess: An Historical Perspective   Chess – the "Royal Game" – is an ancient board game, perhaps fifteen hundred years old. There are many legends about how chess came to be. Most of them are folk tales and are far from reality.   Arguably more books have been written about chess than all the other games combined, but relatively little has been written about the history of chess. The topic is difficult; it requires thorough knowledge, and there are still many unknown historical pitfalls. It is therefor

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Attacking 101 Volume #003

Attacking 101 Volume #003

The goal of the books in this series (Attacking 101) is to provide detailed analysis of my own attack games played against lower rated players. The players are all rated in the range of 1700 to 2100. They make the same errors you regularly witness in your games but here you get to see a Chess Master dissect and exploit the moves, show why they are wrong, and how to punish the opponents poor play. This book covers White Openings and has deep coverage of the Center Game and Sicilian Grand Prix (all lines).

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Max Euwe: Fifth World Chess Champion

Max Euwe: Fifth World Chess Champion

The Gentleman Champion The fifth book of the World Chess Champions series focuses on the life and career of the Dutchman Max Euwe. This soft-spoken professor of mathematics rocked the chess world in 1935 when he defeated the seemingly irresistible force, Alexander Alekhine, to become world champion. Many chessplayers thought this was an upset of the first magnitude. Hardly. Euwe was at his prime and the best in the world at the time. In fact, Euwe posted a plus score against Alekhine in the four games

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Tartakower: My Best Games of Chess: 1905-1954

Tartakower: My Best Games of Chess: 1905-1954

The Unique Genius of Tartakower! One of the most creative grandmasters ever to play the Royal Game was Savielly Tartakower. His combination of bold play and fascinating writing has long endeared him to chess aficionados worldwide.  Tartakowers annotations are unlike any other master of his time. He repeatedly stressed the psychological nature of chess, for example. His classic work of best games has never been available in English algebraic notation. Until now. Experience the unique genius of Savi

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Victor Bologan: Selected Games 1985-2004: Power Chess at its Best

Victor Bologan: Selected Games 1985-2004: Power Chess at its Best

Moldovan Grandmaster Victor Bologan is among the world's strongest and most dynamic grandmasters. You are invited to join him on a highly personal, autobiographical journey, as he presents 52 of his games, deeply annotated.  These games are highlighted against a background of his life experiences and development, resulting in one of the most splendid game collections available today. The text and games are nicely complemented by over thirty photographs, and indexes of players, openings, tournament result

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Why You Lose at Chess: 21st Century Edition of a Landmark Classic

Why You Lose at Chess: 21st Century Edition of a Landmark Classic

The Way to Better Chess! Why You Lose at Chess is vintage Reinfeld. He pulls no punches, showing the reader why he or she loses chess games. This is quite a remarkable feat when you think about it, because he never saw any of the games the vast majority of his readers played. But Fred knew the thinking that lurks behind poor chess decisions, and he let us all know what is wrong or irrelevant or misguided about the types of moves he witnessed far too often. Beginning with a chapter on self-appraisal, he

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Wilhelm Steinitz: 1st World Chess Champion

Wilhelm Steinitz: 1st World Chess Champion

The first official world champion, Wilhelm Steinitz was a towering figure in the chess world in the last quarter of the 19th century. For nearly three decades, he never lost a serious match. His opening innovations have resonated for more than a century. For example, for those who do not wish to meet the Ruy Lopez with 3...a6, the Steinitz Defense, 3...d6, may still be one of the best ways to meet the Spanish Torture. In the early 1870s, he formulated a positional approach that served as the foundat

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The Modern Chess Instructor: 21st Century Edition

The Modern Chess Instructor: 21st Century Edition

The Brilliant Originality of Steinitz More than 125 years ago, one of the first great chess books appeared. The Modern Chess Instructor, Part I, written by then world champion Wilhelm Steinitz, was released in 1889. It was his magnum opus, setting forth for the first time the principles of modern chess. It is no exaggeration to say that Steinitzs writings have influenced every great player since. As American grandmaster Andy Soltis notes in his foreword to this classic: The bulk of The Modern Che

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The Hypermodern Game of Chess: Tartakower's Legendary Magnum Opus

The Hypermodern Game of Chess: Tartakower's Legendary Magnum Opus

The decade after the First World War was one of exciting change for the royal game. A new wave of dynamic chess was taking shape, led by the young lions Alekhine, Réti, Nimzowitsch, Breyer, Euwe, Tartakower and others. They were successfully asserting their new ideas against the Old Guard. It was in this period that Savielly Tartakowers magnificent work Die Hypermoderne Schachpartie was first released. A massive tome of over 500 densely packed pages, the first edition was published in German in 1924. It

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The Art of the King's Indian: New Edition, with a Foreword by Garry Kasparov

The Art of the King's Indian: New Edition, with a Foreword by Garry Kasparov

This book is a comprehensive 2014 update of the classic manual on the Kings Indian Defence by Eduard Gufeld. The King's Indian is one of the most exciting ways for Black to play against 1.d4. It has been a regular feature in the games of great attackers like Mikhail Tal, Bobby Fischer and Garry Kasparov, all of whom have used it to create the type of unbalanced positions which every aggressive player likes. The KID remains a very popular choice at club level as well. Variations covered in this book inc

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Teaching Chess Step by Step - Book 1: Teacher's Manual

Teaching Chess Step by Step - Book 1: Teacher's Manual

Few materials exist to help the classroom teacher who has never played chess or knows only some chess. This manual was designed to address this deficiency. It is written in a manner that allows the teacher to see how to present the material in his or her classroom. This manual will lead a group of beginning students from the rudiments of chess rules to the ability of playing a full game in a competent manner. The series Teaching Chess, Step by Step consists of 3 volumes: 1. Teacher's Manual

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Teaching Chess Step by Step - Book 2: Exercises

Teaching Chess Step by Step - Book 2: Exercises

This book is designed to be a companion of Book 1, Teaching Chess Step by Step – Teachers Manual. It contains a series of exercises designed to reinforce the knowledge that children gain from the teachers presentations in the classroom. The exercises were designed for beginners and require a minimum of explanation. The solution may be written in chess notation or drawn on the board. The teacher can use the exercises for presentation in class or as homework. They are designed for individual or

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Test, Evaluate and Improve Your Chess, 3rd Edition: A Knowledge-Based Approach

Test, Evaluate and Improve Your Chess, 3rd Edition: A Knowledge-Based Approach

This book represents the sum of Dr. Kopec's overall efforts to help chessplayers understand and acquire the knowledge necessary to achieve chess mastery. Dr. Kopec and Hal Terrie have produced a book which will surely advance the science of chess improvement. This book is the third in a series that represents testing and evaluation of human and computer chessplayers for over 30 years. The original work started with the Bratko-Kopec Test in 1982 whereby positions were selected that proved very effective

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