Sklep Szachowy: Szachy, Figury, Zegary, Książki, GRAWEROWANIE LASEROWE! - Polski Producent szachów e

Sklep Producenta: Szachy profesjonalne i amatorskie (+ grawerowanie laserowe), Zegary DGT, Szachy dekoracyjne, Ogrodowe, Magnetyczne, Dekoracyjne, Szkolne, Demonstracyjne, Książki, Deski i Figury szachowe, Akcesoria szachowe, Executive, Staunton, French,

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A History of Chess: From Chaturanga to the Present Day

A History of Chess: From Chaturanga to the Present Day

Chess: An Historical Perspective   Chess – the "Royal Game" – is an ancient board game, perhaps fifteen hundred years old. There are many legends about how chess came to be. Most of them are folk tales and are far from reality.   Arguably more books have been written about chess than all the other games combined, but relatively little has been written about the history of chess. The topic is difficult; it requires thorough knowledge, and there are still many unknown historical pitfalls. It is therefor

  • Cena: 71.00 zł
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Emanual Lasker, Second World Chess Champion

Emanual Lasker, Second World Chess Champion

'One of the Best Chess Books of 2010': Magazine Chess (UK) Emanuel Lasker was a great chess fighter, thinker and researcher. He was possessed of gigantic playing strength, retaining the title of World's Number One Chessplayer for 27(!) years.  Even after losing his crown, he kept his ability for a long time, as shown by his victories and prize-winning finishes in immensely powerful international tournaments when he was 54 (Moravska-Ostrava 1923), 55 (New York 1924), 56 (Moscow 1925), and even at 66 (Mos

  • Cena: 109.00 zł
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Attacking 101 Volume #003

Attacking 101 Volume #003

The goal of the books in this series (Attacking 101) is to provide detailed analysis of my own attack games played against lower rated players. The players are all rated in the range of 1700 to 2100. They make the same errors you regularly witness in your games but here you get to see a Chess Master dissect and exploit the moves, show why they are wrong, and how to punish the opponents poor play. This book covers White Openings and has deep coverage of the Center Game and Sicilian Grand Prix (all lines).

  • Cena: 142.00 zł
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Max Euwe: Fifth World Chess Champion

Max Euwe: Fifth World Chess Champion

The Gentleman Champion The fifth book of the World Chess Champions series focuses on the life and career of the Dutchman Max Euwe. This soft-spoken professor of mathematics rocked the chess world in 1935 when he defeated the seemingly irresistible force, Alexander Alekhine, to become world champion. Many chessplayers thought this was an upset of the first magnitude. Hardly. Euwe was at his prime and the best in the world at the time. In fact, Euwe posted a plus score against Alekhine in the four games

  • Cena: 109.00 zł
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Tartakower: My Best Games of Chess: 1905-1954

Tartakower: My Best Games of Chess: 1905-1954

The Unique Genius of Tartakower! One of the most creative grandmasters ever to play the Royal Game was Savielly Tartakower. His combination of bold play and fascinating writing has long endeared him to chess aficionados worldwide.  Tartakowers annotations are unlike any other master of his time. He repeatedly stressed the psychological nature of chess, for example. His classic work of best games has never been available in English algebraic notation. Until now. Experience the unique genius of Savi

  • Cena: 142.00 zł
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Winning Chess Manoeuvres: Strategic Ideas that Masters Never Fail to Find

Winning Chess Manoeuvres: Strategic Ideas that Masters Never Fail to Find

When a chess master finds a winning strategic idea it is seldom by accident.  An amateur, staring at a position on the chess board is often fumbling in the dark, his head spinning with a multitude of general rules and vague notions. The masters approach is concrete. He knows how and where to look, because he has studied the games of other masters. In this book, grandmaster Sarhan Guliev presents a wide range of strategic manoeuvres that have been repeatedly employed by great chess players. He shows how

  • Cena: 118.00 zł
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The Zaitsev System: Fresh Ideas and New Weapons for Black in the Ruy Lopez

The Zaitsev System: Fresh Ideas and New Weapons for Black in the Ruy Lopez

The Zaitsev System is one of the most dynamic setups for Black in the ever popular Ruy Lopez chess opening.  When Alexey Kuzmin joined the coaching staff of World Champion Anatoly Karpov in the 1980s he started analysing the Zaitsev System, and later continued his investigations as a second of Alexander Morozevich. For this book he has updated and improved his analysis, and found countless innovations that change the assessments of many lines. One of the drawbacks of the Zaitsev, some feel, is that Whit

  • Cena: 133.00 zł
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Vassily Ivanchuk 100 Selected games

Vassily Ivanchuk 100 Selected games

Chuky, youre a genius. Leading grandmasters have been heard to whisper these words, impressed with yet another brilliancy of the Ukrainian wizard.  Vassily Ivanchuk is one of the greatest players of modern time. He has finished first in all major tournaments in the world, at times with astonishing supremacy and always with deeply creative chess. He is adored by chess lovers, admired (and feared!) by fellow grandmasters.  For this book, correspondence grandmaster and chess author Nikolay Kalinichenko has

  • Cena: 137.00 zł
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Victor Bologan: Selected Games 1985-2004: Power Chess at its Best

Victor Bologan: Selected Games 1985-2004: Power Chess at its Best

Moldovan Grandmaster Victor Bologan is among the world's strongest and most dynamic grandmasters. You are invited to join him on a highly personal, autobiographical journey, as he presents 52 of his games, deeply annotated.  These games are highlighted against a background of his life experiences and development, resulting in one of the most splendid game collections available today. The text and games are nicely complemented by over thirty photographs, and indexes of players, openings, tournament result

  • Cena: 118.00 zł
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Why You Lose at Chess: 21st Century Edition of a Landmark Classic

Why You Lose at Chess: 21st Century Edition of a Landmark Classic

The Way to Better Chess! Why You Lose at Chess is vintage Reinfeld. He pulls no punches, showing the reader why he or she loses chess games. This is quite a remarkable feat when you think about it, because he never saw any of the games the vast majority of his readers played. But Fred knew the thinking that lurks behind poor chess decisions, and he let us all know what is wrong or irrelevant or misguided about the types of moves he witnessed far too often. Beginning with a chapter on self-appraisal, he

  • Cena: 85.00 zł
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Wilhelm Steinitz: 1st World Chess Champion

Wilhelm Steinitz: 1st World Chess Champion

The first official world champion, Wilhelm Steinitz was a towering figure in the chess world in the last quarter of the 19th century. For nearly three decades, he never lost a serious match. His opening innovations have resonated for more than a century. For example, for those who do not wish to meet the Ruy Lopez with 3...a6, the Steinitz Defense, 3...d6, may still be one of the best ways to meet the Spanish Torture. In the early 1870s, he formulated a positional approach that served as the foundat

  • Cena: 118.00 zł
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Yearbook 117 hardcover: Chess Opening News (HC)

Yearbook 117 hardcover: Chess Opening News (HC)

Forum The Forum Section has a highly interesting discussion on the book The Lazy Mans Sicilian with contributions by Ashot Nadanian and Dvoretsky. Other contributions by, among others, Bogdan Lalic and Viacheslav Zakhartsov. Columns Joel Benjamin continues his new column Repertoire Building with Benjamin writing about a consistent and non-labour-intensive approach to Sicilians with 2…Nc6. In Kuzmins Harvest, Alexey Kuzmin takes a look at important opening developments in the World Cup in Baku.

  • Cena: 158.00 zł
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Yearbook 117: Chess Opening News (PB)

Yearbook 117: Chess Opening News (PB)

Forum The Forum Section has a highly interesting discussion on the book The Lazy Mans Sicilian with contributions by Ashot Nadanian and Dvoretsky. Other contributions by, among others, Bogdan Lalic and Viacheslav Zakhartsov. Columns Joel Benjamin continues his new column Repertoire Building with Benjamin writing about a consistent and non-labour-intensive approach to Sicilians with 2…Nc6. In Kuzmins Harvest, Alexey Kuzmin takes a look at important opening developments in the World Cup in Baku.

  • Cena: 136.00 zł
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Yearbook 118: Chess Opening News (HC)

Yearbook 118: Chess Opening News (HC)

Forum The Forum Section contains a quite vehement discussion on the right to give your name to an opening variation, the announcement of the winner of the Novelty of the Year 2015 contest, as well as theoretical contributions by, among others, Bogdan Lalic, Luis Rodi and José Vilela. Moreover, we are preparing a very special surprise for you! Columns In his column Repertoire Building with Benjamin, the American GM starts an intriguing discussion of isolated queens pawn positions in different openings

  • Cena: 158.00 zł
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Yearbook 118: Chess Opening News (PB)

Yearbook 118: Chess Opening News (PB)

Forum The Forum Section contains a quite vehement discussion on the right to give your name to an opening variation, the announcement of the winner of the Novelty of the Year 2015 contest, as well as theoretical contributions by, among others, Bogdan Lalic, Luis Rodi and José Vilela. Moreover, we are preparing a very special surprise for you! Columns In his column Repertoire Building with Benjamin, the American GM starts an intriguing discussion of isolated queens pawn positions in different openings

  • Cena: 136.00 zł
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