Capablanca: A Primer of Checkmate

Capablanca: A Primer of Checkmate

José Raúl Capablanca is renowned for his exquisite positional play and flawless endgame technique. But The Chess Machine was also a master of that other way to deliver mate: the attack on the enemy king.
In this groundbreaking work, award-winning chess coach and author Frisco Del Rosario shines a long-overdue light on this neglected aspect of Capablancas record. He illustrates how the Cuban genius used positional concepts to build up irresistible king hunts, embodying the principles of good play advocated by the unequaled teacher, C.J.S. Purdy. The author also identifies an overlooked checkmate pattern – Capablancas Mate – that aspiring attackers can add to the standard catalogue in Renaud and Kahns The Art of the Checkmate. As Del Rosario shows, Capablanca has inspired not only generations of players, but also many of the classics of chess literature.
Easy to read but chock-full of advice for study and practical play, Capablanca: A Primer of Checkmate fills a gaping hole in our understanding of the third World Champion.

About the Author

Frisco Del Rosario is an award-winning chess teacher and author, and 2009 champion of the Kolty Chess Club in Silicon Valley, California.

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Capablanca: A Primer of Checkmate

Capablanca: A Primer of Checkmate

José Raúl Capablanca is renowned for his exquisite positional play and flawless endgame technique. But The Chess Machine was also a master of that other way to deliver mate: the attack on the enemy king. In this groundbreaking work, award-winning chess coach and author Frisco Del Rosario shines a long-overdue light on this neglected aspect of Capablancas record. He illustrates how the Cuban genius used positional concepts to build up irresistible king hunts, embodying the principles of good play ad

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Nauka gry w szachy - J. R. Capablanca Nauka gry w szachy - J. R. Capablanca, wydawnictwo RM

Ta książka ukazała się po raz pierwszy w 1921 roku, lecz do dziś nie straciła nic na aktualności. Capablanca przedstawił w niej w typowy dla siebie, lakoniczny i elegancki sposób, praktyczne zalecenia dotyczące różnych elementów i aspektów gry szachowej, ilustrując je w pouczający sposób własnymi partiami i fragmentami pojedynków innych wielkich mistrzów swojej epoki. Capablanca omówił podstawy strategii szachowej, zasady planowania, rolę inicjatywy w szachach, strategię rozgrywania

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