Strategic Chess Exercises: Find the Right Way to Outplay Your Opponent

Strategic Chess Exercises: Find the Right Way to Outplay Your Opponent

Books on chess exercises are usually about tactics. But in most of the positions that you think about during a game, there is no tactical solution. What you are doing most of the time is trying to find a way to improve your position or weaken your opponent's, by applying strategic rules.Experienced chess trainer Emmanuel Bricard has created a practical exercise manual with carefully selected and tested training positions that teach you how to develop the right plan.This book is for you if you want to: know what to do if there is no tactical solution improve your understanding of chess strategy learn how to apply strategic principles in concrete positions gain time on the clock by having to calculate fewer variations learn how to accumulate advantages in various types of positions be inspired by great examples of strategy.The level of difficulty of the exercises varies as this manual is intended for a wide range of club players. The majority of the exercises are middlegame positions, but additionally there is a large section of endgame tests as well. After working with Strategic Chess Exercises you will spend less time on finding better plans, and outplay your opponents more often! Emmanuel Bricard is an International Grandmaster and a former Champion of France. He has been a successful chess trainer for more than fifteen years.

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1001 Chess Exercises for Beginners

1001 Chess Exercises for Beginners

Chess is 99% tactics. If this celebrated observation is true for the master, how much more so for beginners and casual players! If you want to win more games, nothing works better than training combinations.There are two types of books on tactics, those that introduce the concepts followed by some examples, and workbooks that contain numerous exercises. Chess masters and trainers Franco Masetti and Roberto Messa have done both: they explain the basic tactical ideas AND provide an enormous amount of exerci

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The Full English Opening: Mastering the Fundamentals

The Full English Opening: Mastering the Fundamentals

The first one-volume book that covers all variationsThe English Opening (1.c4) is a popular choice at both club and master level, because it is a chess opening that suits all styles. Elite players as diverse as Magnus Carlsen, Fabiano Caruana and Vishy Anand include it in their repertoire. As White you can play aggressively or opt for a more strategic approach, depending on what kind of middlegame positions you are looking for. For a club player who wants to reap the benefits of this multipurpose opening,

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GM Preparation - Strategic Play (miękka okładka)

GM Preparation - Strategic Play (miękka okładka)

Wersja językowa książki - angielska.In Strategic Play Jacob Aagaard digs deep into the most complex area of chess thinking. The games and exercises in this book transcend regular chess skills, such as pattern recognition, calculation and positional analysis.Building on the two previous books in the Grandmaster Preparation series, this book challenges the reader to explore the complexities of chess, offering clarity and understanding through Aagaards straightforward approach.Grandmaster Jacob Aagaard won t

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How Ulf Beats Black

How Ulf Beats Black

In his prime, in the 1970-s and 80-s, legendary Swedish chess grandmaster Ulf Andersson was a Top 10 player with a distinct, immediately recognizable style. He almost never lost a game and kept scoring wins from quiet positions. Quiet positons? Acclaimed chess author Cyrus Lakdawala has played Anderssons lines for decades and explains that those positions only LOOK quiet. Ulf Andersson, who understood the subtleties of strategic chess better than almost anyone else, always detected and exploited hidden op

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Tune Your Chess Tactics Antenna

Tune Your Chess Tactics Antenna

If only life was as straightforward as a book of chess exercises! If only someone would tap you on the shoulder every time the moment to show your tactical skills has arrived! However, the reality is that during a game you are on your own. Nobody will whisper in your ear when you have reached a position that is, in fact, a tactical puzzle and all you have to do is solve it.Emmanuel Neiman offers help. He has identified a number of signals that tell you that somewhere in the position you are looking at the

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Chess Structures - A Grandmaster Guide (hardcover) by Mauricio Flores Rios

Chess Structures - A Grandmaster Guide (hardcover) by Mauricio Flores Rios

Książka wydana w języku angielskim, twarda okładka.Mauricio Flores Rios provides an in-depth study of the 28 most common structures in chess practice. In Chess Structures – A Grandmaster Guide you will find:*Carefully selected model games showing each structures main plans and ideas*Strategic patterns to observe and typical pitfalls to avoid*50 positional exercises with detailed solutionsGM Axel Bachmann from the Foreword:Chess Structures – A Grandmaster Guide is an excellent selection of model games. By

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Chess Structures - A Grandmaster Guide by Mauricio Flores Rios (miękka okładka)

Chess Structures - A Grandmaster Guide by Mauricio Flores Rios (miękka okładka)

Książka wydana w języku angielskim, miękka okładka.Mauricio Flores Rios provides an in-depth study of the 28 most common structures in chess practice. In Chess Structures – A Grandmaster Guide you will find:*Carefully selected model games showing each structures main plans and ideas*Strategic patterns to observe and typical pitfalls to avoid*50 positional exercises with detailed solutionsGM Axel Bachmann from the Foreword:Chess Structures – A Grandmaster Guide is an excellent selection of model games. By

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Super Chess Kids: Win Like the World's Young Champions!

Super Chess Kids: Win Like the World's Young Champions!

If you want to improve in chess you often find instructional material based on games played long ago by old masters with who you have no affinity at all. Franco Zaninotto has a different approach. He knows from experience how stimulating it is to study the games of the best players in your peer group.Zaninotto teaches elementary strategy and tactics by using games he has selected from recent Junior Championships all over the world. He shows that you dont need to have decades of experience in order to play

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Winning Chess Manoeuvres: Strategic Ideas that Masters Never Fail to Find

Winning Chess Manoeuvres: Strategic Ideas that Masters Never Fail to Find

When a chess master finds a winning strategic idea it is seldom by accident. An amateur, staring at a position on the chess board is often fumbling in the dark, his head spinning with a multitude of general rules and vague notions. The masters approach is concrete. He knows how and where to look, because he has studied the games of other masters.In this book, grandmaster Sarhan Guliev presents a wide range of strategic manoeuvres that have been repeatedly employed by great chess players. He shows how mast

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Is Your Move Safe?: Initial and Final Candidate Moves

Is Your Move Safe?: Initial and Final Candidate Moves

Safety first! Success in chess begins with asking yourself the basic question, Is the move that Im considering a safe one? The question may sound simple, but answering it is not so simple. National Master and award-winning chess instructor Dan Heisman has carefully selected more than 150 theoretical and tournament positions to show how a move may look safe but isnt, or how it can appear risky and still be the safest option on the board.Traditional tactics books tell you that your opponent's position is no

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Grandmaster Preparation - Strategic Play by Jacob Aagaard (twarda okładka)

Grandmaster Preparation - Strategic Play by Jacob Aagaard (twarda okładka)

Wersja językowa książki - angielska. In Strategic Play Jacob Aagaard digs deep into the most complex area of chess thinking. The games and exercises in this book transcend regular chess skills, such as pattern recognition, calculation and positional analysis. Building on the two previous books in the Grandmaster Preparation series, this book challenges the reader to explore the complexities of chess, offering clarity and understanding through Aagaards straightforward approach.Grandmaster Jacob Aagaard won

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The Pirc Defence by Mihail Marin (miękka okładka)

The Pirc Defence by Mihail Marin (miękka okładka)

Wydanie w miękkiej okładce, wersja językowa - angielska.The Pirc is more of a counterattack than a defence: Black allows his opponent to occupy the centre and provokes a confrontation, trusting in the power of the g7-bishop and the dynamic potential in his position. It is the perfect weapon for players who seek a complex strategic fight with the black pieces.Mihail Marin has been playing the Pirc for more than twenty years, with excellent results. In The Pirc Defence he not only presents his best analysis

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Improve Your Chess Calculation - R.B. Ramesh

Improve Your Chess Calculation - R.B. Ramesh

Książka wydana w języku angielskim. Okładka miękka.Calculation is key to winning chess games. Converting your chess knowledge into concrete moves requires calculation and precise visualization.The bad news: calculation is hard work. You cannot rely on feeling or intuition – you will have to turn on your brainpower. The good news: you can improve your calculation skills by training. Set up a position on a chessboard and try to solve exercises without moving the pieces!Grandmaster Ramesh RB is the perfect c

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The Liberated Bishop Defence: A Surprising and Complete Black Repertoire against 1.d4

The Liberated Bishop Defence: A Surprising and Complete Black Repertoire against 1.d4

In many 1.d4 openings, Black has trouble getting his bishop on c8 into play. Former Russian Chess Champion Alexey Bezgodov presents a radical solution to this nagging problem: liberate your bishop right away and put it on f5 on the second move!Playing 2…Bf5! against either 2.c4 or 2.Nf3 will surprise your opponent and is also a great way to support your development, because the bishop takes control of the important square e4. If White does not immediately take decisive action, then within a move or two he

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Master Your Chess with Judit Polgar - A. Toth, J. Polgar

Master Your Chess with Judit Polgar - A. Toth, J. Polgar

Książka w języku angielskim. Wydanie w twardej oprawie.The story of the Polgar sisters is extraordinary. The idea that Laszlo Polgar, a mediocre chess player, could decide to turn his children into chess geniuses, and then succeed beyond his wildest dreams, is incredible.It suggests that, with the right training, anythings possible.In this book, Judit Polgar - the strongest of the three sisters and a former world top-10 player – reveals some of the secrets of her success. Together with the prize-winning c

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