Survivor: Auschwitz, the Death March and my fight for freedom

Survivor: Auschwitz, the Death March and my fight for freedom

**For fans of The Tattooist of Auschwitz**

Sam Pivnik is the ultimate survivor from a world that no longer exists. On fourteen occasions he should have been killed, but luck, his physical strength and his determination not to die all played a part in Sam Pivnik living to tell his extraordinary life story.

In 1939, on his thirteenth birthday, his life changed forever when the Nazis invaded Poland. He survived the two ghettoes set up in his home town of Bedzin and six months on Auschwitz’s notorious Rampkommando where prisoners were either taken away for entry to the camp or gassing.

After this harrowing experience he was sent to work at the brutal Furstengrube mining camp. He could have died on the ‘Death March’ that took him west as the Third Reich collapsed and he was one of only a handful of people who swam to safety when the Royal Air Force sank the prison ship Cap Arcona, in 1945, mistakenly believing it to be carrying fleeing members of the SS.

He eventually made his way to London where he found people too preoccupied with their own wartime experiences on the Home Front to be interested in what had happened to him. Now in his eighties, Sam Pivnik tells for the first time the story of his life, a true tale of survival against the most extraordinary odds.

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Episodes from Auschwitz 1. Love in the Shadow of Death

Episodes from Auschwitz 1. Love in the Shadow of Death

“Love in the Shadow of Death” is the true story of two prisoners from the Auschwitz death camp – Mala Zimetbaum, a Jewish woman, and Edward Galiński, a Polish man. Mala, thanks to her knowledge of several languages and engaging personality, was made a messenger (Läuferin) in the women’s camp. Edek – prisoner of Auschwitz, brought in the first transport of Polish political prisoners – after his stay in the main camp, was transferred to the maintenance work unit in Auschwitz II-Birkenau. This comic te

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OUTLET Auschwitz Death Camp

OUTLET Auschwitz Death Camp

Sprzedawane książki są OUTLETEM czyli posiadają delikatne uszkodzenia mechaniczne (zagięta, przetarta okładka). Towar z tej kategorii nie podlega wymianie na towar pełnowartościowy. The concentration camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau was the site of the single largest mass murder in history. Over one million mainly Jewish men, women, and children were murdered in its gas chambers. Countless more died as a result of disease and starvation. Auschwitz Death Camp is a chilling pictorial record of this infamous e

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OUTLET Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp

OUTLET Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp

Sprzedawane książki są OUTLETEM czyli posiadają delikatne uszkodzenia mechaniczne (zagięta, przetarta okładka). Towar z tej kategorii nie podlega wymianie na towar pełnowartościowy. "This learned volume is about as chilling as historiography gets." -Walter Laqueur, The New Republic "... a one-volume study of Auschwitz without peer in Holocaust literature." -Kirkus Reviews "... a comprehensive portrait of the largest and most lethal of the Nazi death camps... serves as a vital contribution to Holocau

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Rena's Promise A Story of Sisters in Auschwitz

Rena's Promise A Story of Sisters in Auschwitz

An expanded edition of the powerful memoir about two sisters’ determination to survive during the Holocaust featuring new and never before revealed information about the first transport of women to Auschwitz In March 1942, Rena Kornreich and 997 other young women were rounded up and forced onto the first Jewish transport of women to Auschwitz. Soon after, Rena was reunited with her sister Danka at the camp, beginning a story of love and courage that would last three years and forty-one days. From sm

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PAKIET Głosy Pamięci 1-14

PAKIET Głosy Pamięci 1-14

Seria "Głosy Pamięci" powstała jako odpowiedź na często pojawiające się prośby o udostępnienie dodatkowych materiałów źródłowych związanych z różnorodnymi zagadnieniami z historii KL Auschwitz. Pakiet wszystkich czternastu części serii "Głosy Pamięci" Głosy Pamięci 1. Ewakuacja, likwidacja i wyzwolenie KL Auschwitz - Andrzej Strzelecki Głosy Pamięci 2. Zbrodnicza medycyna. Eksperymenty medyczne w KL Auschwitz - Irena Strzelecka Głosy Pamięci 3. Zbrodnicza medycyna. Szpitale w KL Auschwitz - I

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We wept without tears

We wept without tears

The Sonderkommando of Auschwitz-Birkenau consisted primarily of Jewish prisoners forced by the Germans to facilitate the mass extermination. Though never involved in the killing itself, they were compelled to be “members of staff” of the Nazi death-factory. This book, translated for the first time into English from its original Hebrew, consists of interviews with the very few surviving men who witnessed at first hand the unparalleled horror of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp. Some of these men ha

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We wept without tears (książka z autografem)

We wept without tears (książka z autografem)

Książka z podpisem autora! The Sonderkommando of Auschwitz-Birkenau consisted primarily of Jewish prisoners forced by the Germans to facilitate the mass extermination. Though never involved in the killing itself, they were compelled to be “members of staff” of the Nazi death-factory. This book, translated for the first time into English from its original Hebrew, consists of interviews with the very few surviving men who witnessed at first hand the unparalleled horror of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death

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Auschwitz: the Complete Guide

Auschwitz: the Complete Guide

Although it was one of many German concentration and extermination camps operated throughout the Second World War, Auschwitz has become a pervasive symbol of terror, genocide and the Holocaust. Auschwitz is an extensive look into the horrors and travesties that occured within the walls of arguably the most infamous concentration camp of the Second World War. An insightful read, this book offers the reader a comprensive history of Auschwitz. Great for students as well as historians and those with a

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The Origins od the Auschwitz Camp in the Light of Source Materials

The Origins od the Auschwitz Camp in the Light of Source Materials

The Origins of the Auschwitz Camp in the Light of Source Materials is an analysis of almost one hundred previously unpublished or little-know German documents connected with the origins of KL Auschwitz and the first phase of its operation. The authors examine many aspects of the history of Auschwitz that have not been studied before, such as the decision to establish the camp, its planned size, and the chronology of its construction. The documents presented here with historical commentary confirm t

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Episoder fra Auschwitz 1. Kärlek i dödens skugga

Episoder fra Auschwitz 1. Kärlek i dödens skugga

”Kärlek i dödens skugga” är den sanna berättelsen om två fångar i dödslägret Auschwitz – judinnan Mala Zimetbaum och Polacken Edward Galinski. Mala blev tack vare sin fängslande personlighet och det faktum att hon behärskade flera språk budbärare (Läuferin) i kvinnolägret. Edek – skickad till Auschwitz med den första transporten med polska, politiska fångar – blev efter en period i huvudlägret överförd till underhållsavdelningen i Auschwitz II-Birkenau. Häftet berättar om de två fångarnas kärlek

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Episoder frå Auschwitz 1. Kjærlighet i skyggen av utryddelse

Episoder frå Auschwitz 1. Kjærlighet i skyggen av utryddelse

"Kjærlighet i skyggen av utryddelse" er en historie om to fanger i konsentrasjonsleirer Auschwitz – jødiske Mala Zimetbaum og polske Edward Galiński. Mala som takket være språkkunnskaper og sjarmerende personlighet ble sendebud (Läuferin) i kvinnenes leir. Edek – en fange i Auschwitz konsentrasjonsleir ble brakt med den første transporten av polske politiske fanger og ble, etter sitt opphold på hjemmeleiren, flyttet til kommando montører i konsentrasjonsleir Auschwitz II-Birkenau. Tegneserien fortel

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OUTLET Auschwitz. The Nazis and the Final Solution

OUTLET Auschwitz. The Nazis and the Final Solution

Sprzedawane książki są OUTLETEM czyli posiadają delikatne uszkodzenia mechaniczne (zagięta, przetarta okładka). Towar z tej kategorii nie podlega wymianie na towar pełnowartościowy. In this compelling book, highly acclaimed author and broadcaster Laurence Rees tells the definitive history of the most notorious Nazi institution of them all. We discover how Auschwitz evolved from a concentration camp for Polish political prisoners into the site of the largest mass murder in history - part death camp

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Ich aus dem Krematorium Auschwitz

Ich aus dem Krematorium Auschwitz

Ich aus dem Krematorium Auschwitz. Gespräch mit Henryk Mandelbaum, ehem. Häftling und Mitglied des Sonderkommandos im KL Auschwitz. Henryk Mandelbaum (1922-2008) wurde als Häftling in Auschwitz-Birkenau, Lagernummer 181970, dem Sonderkommando zugewiesen und befand sich ganz im Zentrum der Hölle des Holocaust. Er war Sklave in einer Todesfabrik der Nazis und zugleich einer der wenigen, die überlebten. Mandelbaums Aussagen bildeten einen der wichtigsten Anklagepunkte im Krakauer Prozess der SS-Besatz

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The Deportation of Jews from the Łódź Ghetto to KL Auschwitz and Their Extermination

The Deportation of Jews from the Łódź Ghetto to KL Auschwitz and Their Extermination

This is the first attempt at a detailed account of the deportation of the Jews from the Łódź ghetto to Auschwitz concentration camp in August 1944, and their subsequent fate. Besides Polish Jews, Jews from the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, Germany, Austria, and Luxembourg had been confined in the ghetto since October and November 1941. Strzelecki states that approximately two-thirds of the 67,000 Jewish deportees from the Łódź ghetto were exterminated in the gas chambers immediately after arrival

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Episodes uit Auschwitz 1. Liefde in de schaduw des doods

Episodes uit Auschwitz 1. Liefde in de schaduw des doods

“Liefde in de schaduw des doods” is het verhaal van twee gevangenen uit Kl Auschwitz Jodin Mala Zimetbaum en de Pool Edward Galiski. Mala, die dankzij de kennis van vreemde talen en aimabele uitstraling werd bode (Läuferin) in het vrouwenkamp. Edek gevangene van Kl Auschwitz kwam met het eerste transport Poolse politieke gevangenen na aankomst in het moederkamp werd overgebracht naar het kommando van Installateurs in KL Auschwitz II-Birkenau. Het stripverhaal vertelt van de gevoelens van deze twee voor e

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